Friday, March 19, 2010

Baby Vegan

So it sounds pretty unanimous that everyone wants to hear more about my new found semi-veganism (still eating fish).

I have learned a lot about food in the past two weeks and a lot about what our food does to our insides. This is what I have learned and the answers to some questions...

Resources that I Love...

The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone. I have only tried one recipe her chocolate peanut butter cups (find the recipe here) and they are amazing. They totally satisfy my sweet tooth. The first half of the book is filled with lots and lots of advice and info.

The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen. I haven't cooked anything out of it yet but the food looks incredible.

PROTEIN? Someone asked what I was eating for protein. All of the resources I have looked at have addressed protein and apparently we don't need as we think we do. Luckily, I have found a veggie protein I love.... Edamame. My fave. Love it. Eating it as I type.

A lot of people have asked about cheese and I have to say I have not missed it as much as I thought I would. I really miss the convenience of cheese more than anything because it's so easy to order and so easy to find so cooking and eating out without it is an adjustment. Now at times I crave some fresh mozzarella but I have been able to resist so far.

I also have found that this is very much a process. I learned a lot and I am also giving myself some room to cheat if I really want to. I was craving mac and cheese bad so I had a few bites and then fed the rest to the dog. He loved it. I do find that I am not having as hard of a time as long as I plan and have plenty of good food on hand.

All that being said.... I do miss butter.

Back soon with a new original recipe