Saturday, April 17, 2010

Vegan Recipe: No Bake Cookies

Truth be told, I have had a hard time on my vegan journey in the past two weeks. I grew really bored of the food I had depended on to get me through the first month and I found myself cheating. A lot. I have decided that to get back on track I need to change up what I am eating and focus on converting some of my favorite treats and recipes. I really found myself needing something to satisfy my sweet tooth. I went online and found a recipe for no bake cookies. The recipe was horrible! The good thing was I immediately made my own cookies and invented a brand new recipe that is super easy and really good.

Notes on the Recipe: You can substitute soy milk for rice milk. As for the sugar, try to use some sort of vegan sugar. Maple sugar is good. If you want to be bad, use white sugar. It will work the same.