Monday, January 18, 2010


This is my recap of everything that I wanted to post about this weekend so here goes...

I am totally loving this house from the new issue of Traditional Home.

I picked up Ellie Krieger's cookbook, So Easy. I really tend to fail on my diet during the week at breakfast and lunch because I am in such a hurry. This cookbook is perfect for anyone who struggles like that. The recipes are amazingly fast, easy and good from what I have tried so far.

Our house has been on the market for 7 days. We have had showings and two people have shown a lot of interest in the house so we are cautiously optimistic. Chris and I are having to constantly clean and keep the house in perfect condition. We are in a good place right now and we have also really let go of this situation and decided that if the house sells great and if it doesn't we are clearly meant to stay here and we will accept that this is where God wants us to be.


Yay Mad Men!
Yay Meryl!
Yay Glee!

The Good
Because of the rain so many stars did brave the red carpet but these were my favorite out of the ones that I saw and could get pics of. I also loved Reese Witherspoon's dress.

She too could use a sandwich (see Calista's note below) but I love this dress and she looks gorgeous.

It's Joan! I love her and she is gorgeous!

I loved Jennifer Garner's dress and her jewelry was fabulous!

Toni Collette looked beautiful.

Penelope looks great.

The Bad & The Ugly
It pains me to disparage anyone especially because I love Tina Fey, Glee and Inglorious Basterds but this were the ones I did not care for at the Globes.