Friday, September 10, 2010

Making It Work

I hope everyone had a great week! I am so glad for the weekend and lots of college football!

Here are a few of the things I oohhed and ahhhed over this week...

This tablescape from Eddie Ross. He and Jaithan are amazing!

The amazing Tim Gunn was hilarious on Jon Stewart and I can't wait to read his book (Anna Wintour was carried down 5 flights of stairs?!)

Now onto a special shout out. I don't know about you guys but I am infinitely thankful to those bloggers who are faithful commenters. A lot of times I look and don't comment simply because I don't have time but this is one of those that I always her smiling picture commenting on everyone's blogs....

The Zhush! Thanks for being so faithful and for your fabulous taste!

I simply must have this hat and these earrings from Kate Spade!

Love this exterior from Architectural Digest!

Need this bracelet from Garnet Hill!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!