Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Two Lindsays and Why I'm an Idiot

So yesterday I posted my blogger feature all about Lindsay at La Belle Vie (who is still adorable and one of my faves); however, the interview was actually with Lindsay of Starfish and Sundresses. I'm a total idiot and got them confused. Of course Lindsay at La Belle Vie thought I was crazy (although sweetly thankful of the mention) and the other Lindsay at Starfish and Sundresses sent me a very kind email telling me I had gotten them confused. Of course this all happens on the one day of the year that I do not check my blog AT ALL because I had to work and then throw a party last night. I'm a total idiot. Secondly, I took the post down and accidentally deleted it. Now I'm an even bigger idiot. Anyway this is the sort of week I had. I sliced my finger open on my food processor, broke the same food processor, stole pens at work and got in trouble (long story we will now refer to this only as "Pen Gate") but I did help put a cocaine dealer in prison though.

Anyway now onto Lindsay at Starfish and Sundresses. I just started reading this blog about 3 months ago and it's one of my favorites. I love Lindsay's style particularly her post on Lucite. Anyway, the interview yesterday (yeah the one I inadvertently deleted) was the Lindsay of Starfish and Sundresses and she's just a doll. Be sure to check out her blog if you don't already. Here's some eye candy from her blog (I love the inspiration board).

BTW, Lindsay of La Belle Vie adorable as well!

Good Weekends to Everyone!