Friday, June 4, 2010

Faves, Friends and Keeping It Real

So I totally stole this pic from Luxe + Lilies yesterday but I love it and I know Keely wouldn't mind. :)

I know that many of you have noticed by absence on your blogs. I am still faithfully visiting but for some reason I can't seem to get my head together lately. I am stressed a bit at work and we are back to working on the house in addition to my running (I'll explain that in a bit) so time is scarce and I really an craving time to sit and read for some reason. But anyway, please know that I love each of you and I am trying to be better but for some reason I am having a hard time managing my time right now.

Anyway onto other news, I know most of you have noticed the absence of vegan posts on the blog. Well that's because I am not quite as vegan as I used to be. I had heard from a few people that they had a hard time finding a plant based protein to replace the protein that meat provided in their diet (Karen, you were right!) and I definitely became one of those people. I was tired all of the time. I was falling asleep at night and could neverdream of working out because it was all I could do to stay awake for Glee (and we know that Glee is a priority).

After struggling a bit, I slowly added chicken and fish into my diet. I am not diametrically opposed to red meat but I really have found myself not wanting red meat at all. I have in large part stuck with no dairy. Milk is not part of my diet and now I love rice milk. Butter was replaced with earth balance. I do eat cheese rarely and usually only a few sprinkles of parmesan if the mood strikes. I really am glad I experimented with the vegan diet. I really found great replacements and totally changed my diet with regard to dairy and red meat. I am still cooking vegan recipes and totally into the idea but I am not following it 100%. This is also due to the fact, that I have started running again. I'm in the middle of a training plan and I am excited about it so I will keep you posted.
Onto the pictures and my favorites...

This week, I caught up on my DVR'd (this word should totally be in the dictionary now) Oprahs and I watched the Oprah with Julia Roberts and Elizabeth Gilbert talking about Eat, Pray, Love. It's a great episode. I highly recommend it! I was totally inspired.

This week, I was blessed my two cuties who featured me on their blogs.

First, Helena at Diary of a Lovely was kind enough to feature me in her series about other bloggers. It was super fun and I loved the post. Also, I picked up some new blogger friends and I am so happy to make some new friends!

Also, I was featured on Wild and Precious, which is an awesome blog I just found out about!

I also wanted to take a minute to highlight a good blogger friend of mine, Meredith at Penelope Loves Lists. I love Meredith and her blog, which totally makes me want to clean out my office. Love you Meredith.

This week, I want to give props to Camila at High Heeled Foot In The Door for stealing her neighbors peonies while walking her dog. I think that shows gusto that we all need in this world! Love it because I would totally do that. I almost cut berry branches out of my neighbors yard at Christmas and was it not for my husband I would have. Here are the peonies that are totally worth it.

Thats all for now, hopefully I will be back on Monday with some house updates, be in a better mood and be a better blogger friend. Love you girls!

Also, thanks for everyone's kind words about color week. I thought it was fun!

Happy Weekend!