Sunday, September 12, 2010

Notes on Bad IPhone Photos

First, let me say sorry to all of my faithful bloggers friends for my absence this past week. I was sick all week but worked anyway. I had double inner ear infections, which caused me to have vertigo. If you've never had vertigo, it's like the worst motion sickness ever. It's horrible. Anyway, I am on the road to recovery.

That being said, here is the reason my husband is currently less than happy with me. When we got home from the USC, Georgia game last night, I was starting to feel bad again so I wanted to run to Barnes and Noble to get me a new book in case I am bedridden again today. I came back with this....

He was not happy with my big bag but I explained to him the following...

Its a red leather bound journal with graph paper pages! It's awesome!
I love Tim Gunn he makes it work and I want to learn how to make it work too
Megan McCain's new book. It's morbid curiosity and I am sure I will selling it on ebay shortly. Think of it as an investment.
Traditional Home because I buy it every month and I can't be expected to part with tradition.
Food Network Magazine because I love fall recipes.

On other notes, I really wish they would stop running this ad...

It freaks me out. It's really gross, it does not make me want to eat whatever she's eating and yet again, it freaks me out. So stop. No one is even paying attention to what the ad is for because they are so distracted by this image.

Also, I never discuss politics on L&L. It's a rule I plan to stick by. In South Carolina there is an issue that trumps all political issues and matters far more to us (at least Aug-Nov) than who is in the White House or the State House. It's college football. I don't mention it to not deter some fans of other college teams so I am going to say this once and that's it.....