I just finished Tim Gunn's Book, Gunn's Golden Rules. I saw him on Jon Stewart and he was hilarious so I decided to pick it up and I really enjoyed it. I have to say I enjoyed the first half better than the last half but it was a quick and enjoyable read.
The book is broken down into his "golden rules", which basically consist of minding your manners, taking risks, hard work and doing what you love. He does use these rules to tell personal stories some of which have gotten a lot of press (particularly one featuring a certain Vogue editor). He does give insight into the show Project Runway and how it started and his role in its inception. The stories are honest and very interesting.
I loved the reminders the book includes. Little courtesies that today we forget and ignore like writing thank you notes, being a good guest, being a good host, being careful how you communicate with others and my favorite was taking the high road. I really needed that reminder.
I highly recommend the book to anyone who likes Tim Gunn and anyone who like Project Runway will enjoy it. Great, quick and fun read.