I am proud to say I knocked another of my Before 30 To Dos off of my list. All vegans avert your eyes! I made Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon. No kidding. I did it. It took for-ev-er but I did it.
My family was nice enough to eat lunch at 2:30 PM although I started cooking at 10 and it was delicious I must say. All of that work and the layering of flavors really pays off. I have to say it's a lot of work but not nearly as difficult as I anticipated. It just takes patience.
I decided in order to reduce the possibility of a meltdown I would have everything sliced, diced, minced, mashed and dried before I even started and that made the cooking much easier. Julia is sneaky though. There are actually two shorter additional recipes that you have to cook for the Boeuf Bourguignon but they aren't too hard and just take a bit of time.
Anyway, I am proud to say after using every mixing bowl, spatula and dish towel I have I made Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon!
On a side note, I was so excited this weekend when I found my blog mentioned on one of the HGTV blogs! So exciting. Now it was simply a quick link and mention on a post I did about tiffany blue rooms several months ago but super exciting nonetheless!
The New Lonny Is Out! Yay!
I hit 200 followers on the blog! Yay!
Have a Happy Monday!