Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Birthday

So many of you probably noticed my little icon missing on the comments sections of your blogs this week. I was super duper busy at work and I am terribly sorry for my absence. I missed out on so much inspiration I know.

To make up for my lack of blogging this week, I am going to feature my all time favorites this Friday. These are the rooms, things and posts that I have found myself bookmarking and lusting after repeatedly (including that Kate Spade rose bowl above. I have wanted that forever!).

Here are my "Classic" Favorites...

This is a post I have gone back to over and over again for inspiration, Stefanie's office from Brooklyn Limestone.

Favorite Home Feature Ever.... Katie Lee Joel's home featured in Domino

One of my favorite living rooms ever. I love the ottomans in front of the hearth.

I have always loved and envied Nicole's library over at Making It Lovely. So jealous!

I have always loved this post from Kelly at Fabulous K about her DIY bulletin board. It's Fabulous just like Kelly herself!

Another post I go to again and again, this home featured on Young House Love. I love the simple clean lines...

These are my favorite all time kitchens...

Since today is all about my long time favorites, these are some of my favorite items I find myself staring at again and again...

Lucite Trays from Dabney Lee at Home
Ten Thousand Things Necklaces
iomoi Coasters
Tiffany Celebration Rings

And Last But Not Least...

In light of Chris' B-day, here is a story to entertain you...

It was mid-April and as always I had spilled the beans and told my husband what I planned to buy him for his birthday in a few weeks. An Under Armour Moisture Wicking Golf Shirt.

“Yeah I like those. They have like these little holes but there aren’t enough holes to make me look like….” He said as he looked at me. I have a horrible habit of finishing people sentences so I quickly followed.

“You are wearing a net shirt.”

“Yeah. I don’t want to look like I am in West Side Story.” Let me stop to tell you my husband is a man’s man. He won’t wear pink, shop, hold my purse while I try on clothes or go to couple’s showers willingly although I did catch him watching “A Cinderella Story” one time. He has a façade of cool that must remain up at all times.

“The guys in West Side Story did not wear net shirts and they weren’t gay,” I retorted ever defensive of one of my favorite musicals.

“Jessica! They danced around all the time!”

“They were dancing to express their feelings but those guys were tough!”

“Are you kidding me? They just snapped and walked towards each other!”

“They did not. They actually fought and they would have popped a cap in your ass,” I exclaimed. It’s good to note, I am prosecutor and therefore know all about caps and caps being used to pop someone’s ass.

“No they wouldn’t. They would have just danced around me!”

“They were not gay. They had girlfriends! That’s the whole point of the story. Tony and Maria.”

“Sham marriages,” Chris said simply. Fuming with anger that he would minimize the balcony singing love of Tony and Maria, I finally responded the best way I knew how.

“You know what…. Bite me.”

Despite your lack of appreciation for musicals, you are the best husband a girl could ask for. I wonder every day how I was lucky enough to be married to you. I adore everything about you.