Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vegan Update and a Question

Why are roofers so loud? I mean seriously. I don't think they need to be THAT LOUD.

On another note, I've gone Vegan for about 36 hours at this point. Yesterday was a breeze. Well not a breeze and I was faced with my favorite cake, cheesecake and lunch at my favorite greasy spoon. For breakfast I had peanut butter on whole grain bread. Lunch at the greasy spoon was umm.... tater tots (it's a vegetable!) and dinner was whole grain pasta with pesto.

As you can see I am not going strict vegan more of a general giving up meat and dairy. This morning I struggled a bit. The peanut butter toast didn't cut it and I wanted a latte so bad I could taste it but instead I ate quacamole at 1030 AM (don't judge me). I think I can do this in some form so we will see how the rest of the 7 day vegan experience goes. Here are the lessons I have learned...

1. Milk is in freaking everything. EVERYTHING.
2. I miss butter the most.
3. Rice Dreams remind me of dog treats.
4. Alicia Silverstone has a great blog. Check it out here.
5. Life would be a lot easier if I lived near any sort of vegan or vegetarian restaurant (like Babycakes in NYC. See above).