1. I Cannot Live Without… Burt's Bees Lip Balm
2. My Favorite Place On Earth... Home - wherever that may be
3. I Am Inspired By… Women who take risks to follow their dreams.
4. I Describe My Style As… Casual with a shot of classic
5. My Favorite Accessory... A great handbag
6. To Relax I… Read blogs (I'm just a tad addicted!)
7. I Am Most Proud Of… My husband and daughter - and am so blessed to have both!
8. My Top Design Tip Don't try to please any else's taste - like what you like with passion.
9. I Want… To go back in time.
10. I Love to Shop at Target, HomeGoods and Central Market (specialty grocery store in Texas)
11. I Don’t Leave the House Without… My sunglasses
12. I Love to Wear… A great pair of perfect-fitting jeans and a brand-new white t-shirt - topped off with awesome accessories
13. I Love to Read… Historically-based novels
14. My Guilty Pleasure… Surfing the net - when I should be playing with my daughter or doing dishes.
15. I Envy… People who can give up sugar.
16. I Have Never … Gone on a cross-country road trip, but want to, some day.
17. My Crush… (Man) RPatz, (Woman) Cate Blanchett
18. Random Favorites (pick any of your favorites) The list is long, but distinguished
19. Signature Colors Can't say I have any, my choices are too mood-dependent!
20. At the end of the day, I am… Happy to have this unique experience of living in a foreign country.