Yesterday I was so excited to be featured on Penelope Loves Lists. Meredith asked me all sorts of questions about how I stay organized and store inspiration for my blog. Most of my answers about how I stay organized resolved around the fact that we are essentially paperless.
My paperless journey began at my job because we are a paperless office. All of our files are stored on a server and accessed through our laptops. I was amazed at how easy it is to stay organized if you aren't dealing with piles of paperwork. In addition, I am a tree hugger so I am always looking for ways to reduce waste. Eventually I translated these rules into our home and to my blog. While it's not possible to be entirely paperless, these are the steps I take to be as paperless as possible:
1. We receive all bills and banking statements via email.
2. Digital Photos. We store and organize all of our photos on our computer and only print out pictures we use for framing.
3. I love my design magazines. After a new issue comes in, I take the prior months issue and tear out any and all ideas I want to keep. I scan those images into my computer and upload them to Picasa. This has eliminated binders of ideas I kept and also it allows all of my readers to use my ideas as well (see them? Look to the right.)
4. We are just now starting to scan in other financial docs like receipts, etc. Make sure to back up critical information.
5. Keep all necessary paper documents (tax documents, marriage licenses, etc.) stored, labeled and organized in a filing drawer or box.
6. Store all recipes on your computer. I am a big fan of MacGourmet, which allows me to store my recipes on my laptop. I can even upload photos of the dishes.
7. Sort Immediately. Do not let paper pile up. Toss or recycle junk mail as soon as you walk in the door. File any necessary documents. Scan any documents you can keep in digital form. Toss, recycle or shred anything you no longer need. You need very little of the paper you keep especially in our digital age. Be discerning.
8. Use your technology. I love notepads and cute paper but I do try to use my iphone for lists when I am traveling or away from home. Laptops and Smart Phone all are great places to store lists and notes.
You will be surprised how easy it is to be organized when you are as paperless as possible. Also the earth will by happier too!