1. I Cannot Live Without…Oxygen, and my laptop.
2. My Favorite Place On Earth is... my bed. Thank goodness, it was more expensive than a vacation!
3. I Am Inspired By…blogs, magazines, houses in my neighborhood, friends and family. You never know where you will find inspiration!
4. I Describe My Style As…Modern Traditional. Above all, useful. I hate things that don't serve a purpose, they just collect dust. And I hate dusting!
5. My Favorite Accessory - For myself, silver hoop earrings. They can make you feel polished even while wearing a t-shirt and jeans. For my house, candles in pretty candleholders.
6. To Relax I…Have some wine and watch a movie with my man.
7. I Am Most Proud Of…my ability to renovate and design my home without much help.
8. My Top Design Tip...research fully, take your time, and realize that what works in another space may not work in yours. Ok, maybe that is three tips?
9. I Want…someone to plan my wedding for me (and how about pay for it, too?)
10. I Love to Shop at...TJ Maxx and Target. They have great stuff, and you get so much more for the money than you would shopping at Pottery Barn.
11. I Don’t Leave the House Without…organic lip balm. I keep several in my car, at my desk at work, and one in the pocket of every coat. Obsessed!
12. I Love to Wear….bright colors, high heels, ruffled tops, cardigans, sweater vests over dress shirts, 'Silver' jeans, hoop earrings.
13. I Love to Read….chic lit and classics.
14. My Guilty Pleasure…sleeping in, then staying in my pjs all day drinking coffee, reading blogs, celebrity gossip sites, and watching Flip This House or HGTV.
15. I Envy…those who have endless energy and are extremely creative.
16. I Have Never.…operated a snowblower. And I don't intend to!
17. My Crush….Ryan Reynolds, what a total package. Seriously.
18. Random Favorites...pecan pie, black bean tacos, hydrangeas, 'Dexter', 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', Shopaholic books, warm weather, U2.
19. Signature Colors...teal, red, brown.
20. At the end of the day, I am…glad to come home to my wonderful house, my handsome man, and my ridiculous cats. And wine. It's always good to come home to wine.