Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Reading List

I have a confession. It's difficult to admit. Maybe I'm just not smart enough or deep enough. Maybe I have ADD. I am having the hardest time getting through The Kite Runner. I sort of want to jab a pen in my eye when I read it. Nevertheless, everyone says it's wonderful so I am going to make myself get through it. Now that's out of the way, here's the rest of my reading list for the winter months...

We Thought You'd Be Prettier by Laurie Nataro. I have heard her compared to Jen Lancaster and I love to laugh.

The Martha Rules. Inspired by High Heeled Foot In The Door.

Nanny Returns. This is the sequel to the Nanny Diaries, which I loved.

Stop Getting Ripped Off. I heard about this on the today show. Sounds like a good idea. Can't go wrong with not getting ripped off.

The Kite Runner. It's like I'm on a mission.