I always hear people say that they don't make resolutions because they don't keep them. I have to say I often fall into that category. I don't keep resolutions that much either but nevertheless I make them every year. Often they are things like to use my iphone more to organize my schedule (didn't do that), stop going to Starbucks everyday (blasphemy!), learn French (bonjour!) or replace all of my cookware (my J.Crew habit gets in the way of this).
This year I decided to make New Years GOALS. Not resolutions. GOALS. I am goal oriented. I love lists and checking things off of lists. I have 4.
#1. Pay off 10% of our debt (hate student loans)
#2. Travel to at least one place I have never been.
#3. Run a race (5k or 10k)
#4. Lose 20 lbs.
These are my goals! What are yours?