Friday, December 18, 2009

Back to School...

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend and we were talking about the Martha Stewart Cooking School Cookbook. This is by far one of my favorite cookbooks. My friend exclaimed, "You should be like Julie & Julia. The Jessica/Martha Project!"

I first thought well I don't want to copy that idea but then I thought how fun this would be. The cookbook is loaded with techniques and recipes I would never dare attempt. I tend to slip into food ruts and I cook the same 5-7 recipes all of the time until I get sick of those and then I will move on to another 5 recipes. This will pull me out of that and make me more daring. I've never braised or carved and I have no idea how to make soup so this seems like a great idea and let's face it Le Cordon Bleu isn't in my immediate future.

I studied Martha's cookbook and it's a little over 200 recipes, which doesn't touch the near 600 recipes in Mastering the Art of French Cooking. There's no deadline either but the project is born....

I am officially putting myself through the Martha Stewart Cooking School!

I am already one recipe down, which was totally delicious.

Want to join me?

Disclaimer: I am giving myself one pass. There is a recipe for rabbit and ummm no.