Part of my new focus on life has been simplification. I think that goes to all elements of life including material things. Clutter is stressful so I try to reduce that as much as possible.
Several years ago I was a cookbook fanatic. I bought tons of cookbooks. I had stacks and stacks. After we moved into our house and subsequently didn't sell it like we planned, I decided that I have make do with the limited storage I have. My stacks of cookbooks had to go.
I narrowed those cookbooks down with one rule in mind. If there are less than 5 recipes in the cookbook I use, then I type the recipes into my computer (I use MacGourmet) and sell the cookbook on ebay or at a bi-annual consignment sale.
Obviously too I have had to curb my cookbook buying. Now with all of the online recipe resources I can find most recipes online and I reserve my cookbook buying to particularly special books.
As you can tell, I still have quite a few favorite cookbooks lining my bookshelves. These are my favorites:
How about you? What are your faves?
How do you quell your material obsessions like books or cookbooks?