Have you ever had one of those weeks where you were really busy and you can't remember why or what you did that makes you so busy? No? Never? Just me then. Anyway. Alas, it is Friday and I didn't have time to put together my favorites list but this is the next best thing...
My Reading List. Well an update of my reading list at least (I feel that I'm letting you guys down)...
I finished Water for Elephants. Really good book.
I am 1/3 of the way through Eat, Pray, Love. If you've read the book, I am in India.
I am taking a break from Eating, Praying and Loving to read the book I have been looking forward to all year, My Fair Lazy by my favorite author Jen Lancaster. She's hilarious. I'm on chapter one and I've already laughed out loud. If you don't know who she is, check out her blog here.
On a non-book front, if you don't have this issue of House & Home. Go Get It! It's awesome.
Last but not least I want to take a minute to say...
Happy Birthday Mom!
you are the best ever!
I wish everyone a great weekend. Hug your mom!