Save Money on Groceries?
I was so excited by everyone's budget tips last week and I realized we all have so many tips to share with each other and shockingly most of us are on some sort of a budget (or at least acknowledge we should be). I am going to start giving us an outlet to share budget tips specific to certain expenses (groceries, travel, gifts, etc.)
So I want to know how you save money on groceries?
I recently went on a serious weekly grocery budget and before this I just bought whatever I wanted at the most expensive grocery store so it's been quite an adjustment. Here are the changes I have made:
1. I make a weekly menu and plan out everything I plan to cook. I then make my grocery list based on that menu. This has helped tremendously with our budget. I wasted so much food when I just went to the grocery store and figured out what I would make as I went through the store.
2. I do "clean out the pantry/freezer weeks" and I plan my menu to use items I already have.
3. I keep track of how much money I am spending while I am in the grocery store and try not to exceed my budget.
4. We are largely vegetarians at home. I focus on healthy meals with whole wheat pasta or other one dish meals that do not require me to buy meat for every meal I cook.
What are your tips? I am anxiously waiting.